The Foundation’s affairs are handled by a Board comprising of five members. A Board member’s successor is appointed by the Board.
The current members of the Board are the Chairman Christina Backman (born 1960) – Gothenburg, Professor Olle Larkö (born 1952) – Gothenburg, Consultant Anders Klein (born 1964) – Gothenburg, CEO John Vivstam (born 1959) – Stockholm and Professor Gunilla Westergren-Thorsson (born 1962) – Lund.
- Christina Backman has extensive experience within the area of banking and foundations.
- Olle Larkö is Professor of dermatology and venereology as well as a board member of the Chalmers Foundation. Former board member of the 6th Swedish National Pension Fund, dean of the Sahlgrenska Academy at Gothenburg University and area manager of the Sahlgrenska University Hospital.
- Anders Klein, consultant, has been Head of SEB Sweden business foundation and manager of SEB’s pension fund.
- John Vivstam is CEO of Posten’s Pension Fund and former chief accountant of the Nobel Foundation and has been responsible for management of the Nobel Foundation’s capital.
- Gunilla Westergren-Thorsson is Professor of Lung Biology and Director of Lund University Bioimaging Center as well as of Wallenberg Centre for Molecular Medicine, Lund University. Chair of the National SciLifeLab Comittee and vice chair of the Heart- Lung foundation research board. Former Dean of the Medical Faculty, Lund University.

Anders Klein, Olle Larkö, Christina Backman (Chairman), Gunilla Westergren-Thorsson & John Vivstam